DIGAS proves the operational and economic aspects of NYSMART dual-fuel system on shunter locomotives. Cheaper. Cleaner. More Sustainable.

DiGas has compiled and published the operational environment long-term testing results of retrofitted shunter locomotive ChME-3DF equipped with NYSMART dual fuel system. The testing in the operational environment took place in Riga, Latvia over the course of 1,5 years. The modernized locomotive was tested in real-life operational environment consisting of two 12 hour shifts per day at two different shunting operation locations within the Riga harbor.
“Overall the pilot project can be considered a success. It allowed us to fine-tune our dual fuel system, correct any issues which came up during real-life operation. Most importantly it allowed us to prove that the NYSMART system is both feasible in monetary terms and carries a significant environmental improvement.” Said Petro Dumenko, CEO of DiGas.

The results of the dual-fuel locomotive operational testing were analyzed and compiled in a case study, which DiGas worked on with the locomotive operator, Latvian Railways.
The compiled results show that on average the NYSMART dual fuel system provided a fuel cost savings of 25k EUR per year per one shunter locomotive for a locomotive with a total typical diesel fuel costs of 116k EUR per year. Therefore, DiGas NYSMART dual fuel system provides a 22 % fuel cost savings even for a locomotive operating in a shunting (low power & load) mode. According to test reports, the dual-fuel locomotive was operating in idle notch for more than 50% of the time and rarely (less than 7% of the time) stepping to and over Notch 3. Balance was achieved with operation in Notch1 and Notch2. The NYSMART system showed excellent performance operating with an average substitution rate of >50% while Idle, 60% at Notch 1, 65% at Notch 2 and 70% at Notches 3 and above.
The modernized locomotive diesel engine underwent technical testing, including load cell testing before and after dual-fuel operational period. All tests concluded that dual-fuel operations using the NYSMART system have had no adverse effects on the engine.

In addition, it was determined that the conversion of one diesel locomotive, operating in similar duty cycles, using NYSMART technology reduced the annual external health costs by 62 246 EUR/year. DiGas is currently implementing 3 new pilot projects with modernized dual-fuel locomotives in Estonia and Poland. Two shunter locomotives type SM42 and TEM2 as well as a mainline locomotive GE C36i will undergo operational testing and certification later in 2021. All three locomotives will have similar case studies compiled and published in cooperation with their respective operators. The NYSMART project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 784620.

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