NYSMART project identified as potential to help fight climate change

The NYSMART Project has been identified by the European Commission as having the potential results that can help fight climate change.
New research published by the UN, has proved that initial calculations on the speed of global warming were too conservative. Global temperatures are rising faster than anticipated and this can have devastating consequences on society. A wide range of actions to fight climate change and mitigate its consequences is required where technology and innovation will form a large part of the solution.
With the goal to better design European R&I policies with concrete action in strategic agendas and working plans, DiGas was called upon to bring forward some of the most promising results produced through participation in Horizon 2020.
These results have been published and are now available on the Horizon Results Platform.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 784620.